This course is situated in Newmarket, to the North of the town centre. The marked 'Start/Finish' is at a post box near to Tesco & parking is available at the supermarket or the adjacent shopping centre if using their facilities. You may, of course, start at any of the checkpoints, whichever is most convenient, & plan your route from there; the town centre carparks are listed on the West Suffolk website. This is a timed course - you'll receive points for each control you visit, & have them deducted if you're over the time allowed!
Unlike other towns on our MapRun list, Newmarket has a high population of thoroughbred horses & you'll be almost certain to meet some being taken out for exercise: please remain alert & be ready to give way. Your course also involves crossing busy roads: caution is required & under 16s really must be accompanied by an adult.
Please note: since the course was first planned construction/maintenance work has blocked some potential route choices. Please check that you have the pdf file which has V2 in its name before printing (refresh the page if necessary).
Start Location:
- Town urban
Course Type:
- Score course
Number of Controls:
Time Limit:
- 60 mins
Course Type Rules:
- You may start from any control
- You don't need to be out for the full time allocation
- You can decide how many controls you aim to visit
- You must return to your start control again to finish
Course Points:
- 20 points per control
- 10 points deducted for each minute over the time allowed
- If you use a different control as your Start/Finish, that control won't score you any points, but the original Start/Finish location will score instead
Please note:
- Use only public roads, paths and open spaces
- Avoid paths or roads which are marked with a red X
- Be aware of residents, walkers, cyclists and horse riders
- Please give way to horses riders at all times
- The course involves crossing busy roads
- Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult
- You're responsible for your own safety. You take part at your own risk
MapRun Reference:
Suffolk/West Suffolk/Newmarket North Start anywhere PXAS ScoreV60