Sunday, 4 August, 2024

Social MapRun Score event and Annual General Meeting 8 September 2024This year our AGM will be preceded by a MapRun score event in Holywells and Landseer Parks.  If you would like to take part, please ensure you have downloaded the MapRun app on to your mobile phone beforehand.  If you haven’t used the app before Clive or Sally will be able to get you started on the day.Following this social event, we will hold our club AGM near the MapRun start in front of the Stable Block in Holywells Park (access from Cliff Lane entrance and parking on nearby roads).  Hopefully the weather will be good and we can hold it on the grass with our picnic lunches.  If it rains, we will adjourn to Clive and Sally’s for the AGM.If you have any items you would like to raise at the AGM please email secretary [at] suffoc [dot] co [dot] uk" data-cke-saved-href="mailto:secretary [at] suffoc [dot] co [dot] uk">secretary [at] suffoc [dot] co [dot] uk by 3 September 2024. Annual General Meeting Date: Sunday 8 September 2024MAPRun Score Start: 10.45AM and finish by 11.30AMAGM Time:   12.00PMVenue: Holywells ParkAgenda

  1. Approval of minutes of 2022 AGM
  2. Chairman’s report
  3. Treasurer’s report and acceptance of accounts
  4. Setting of annual subscription for 2024
  5. Election of officers
  6. Election of other committee members
  7. Appointment of auditor
  8. End of AGM

AOB: an opportunity for SUFFOC members to discuss anything about the club