Knettishall Heath District Event & ESSOL Sun 08/01/2006 23:55
Resultscreated by OE2002 © Stephan Krämer 2002
Organiser's Comments
Planner's Comments
Controller's Comments

Split Times   Splitsbrowser

   Pl Name                         Age Clas Club     School               Time 

White  (10)    1.900 km  15 m   9 C        

    1 Mihir Chandraker             M8       WAOC                         14:46 
    2 Lewis Cooper                 M7       WAOC                         17:26 
    3 Duncan Cooper                M6       WAOC                         19:50 
    4 Henry Mole                   M9       SUFFOC                       20:32 
    5 Catherine Mole               W7       SUFFOC                       27:36 
    6 Jamie Hughes                 M12      NOR                          28:34 
    7 Elgan Manton-Roseblade+1              WAOC                         38:19 
    8 James Price                  M2       NOR                          44:30 
    9 Oliver + Archie Liston       M10      NONE                         58:15 
   --------------------------------- PAR TIME --------------------------------
Tom Whitehead M7 WAOC mp
Yellow  (9)    2.500 km  15 m   8 C        

    1 Bryn Wilkinson               M8       SUFFOC                       18:29 
    2 Lewis Reynolds               W9       SOS      Barnadiston         33:21 
    3 EEET                         W11      NONE                         35:15 
    4 Bethan Manton-Roseblade      W9       WAOC                         43:50 
    -------------------------------- PAR TIME --------------------------------
    5 Richard Weterhall            M12      NOR                          47:40 
    6 Sara Ogunnowo                W12      NOR                          48:41 
    7 Jack Lloyd                   M12      NOR                          49:58 
    8 Ben Nickleson                M12      NOR                          50:46 

      Charlotte Reynolds           W11      SOS      Barnadiston            mp 
Orange  (9)    3.400 km  30 m   11 C       

    1 Sushruta Chandraker          W14      WAOC                         53:15 
    2 Katy Woods                   W14      WAOC                       1:03:25 
    3 Karen Tingay                 W21      NONE                       1:24:12 
    4 Maurice Capper               M75      WAOC                       1:31:32 
   --------------------------------- PAR TIME -------------------------------- 
    5 Ella Price + 1               W8       SUFFOC                     1:34:37 

      Rory Perkins                 M7       NONE                            mp 
      Anne John                    W70      SUFFOC                         dnf 
      Anne John                    W70      SUFFOC                         dnf 
      Todd Cooper                  M10      WAOC                           dnf 
Red  (6)       5.100 km  40 m   14 C       

    1 Lenka Milonova               W21      SUFFOC                     1:12:47 
    2 Cathine Goldsmith + 1        W14      WAOC                       1:39:41 
    3 Calton + Peter Blaxill       M40      NONE                       1:47:36 
    -------------------------- PAR TIME 1:49:10 ------------------------------ 
    4 Malcolm Smith + Sarah        M75/W35  NONE                       2:22:47 

      Alan Anstead                 M40      SUFFOC                          mp 
      Jacky Scarlett               W45      NONE                           dnf 
Light Green  (21) 3.500 km  40 m   10 C       

    1 Thomas Louth                 M12      WAOC                         34:45 
    2 Ellen Sanderson              W16      SOS                          44:57 
    3 Bruce Marshall               M50      WAOC                         49:13 
    4 Clare Minshall               W39      WAOC                         50:06 
    5 Alison Sleigh                W21      NONE                         52:50 
    6 Julliete Butcher             W55      NOR                          53:22 
    7 Inge Alford                  W70      NONE                         56:43 
    8 Alison Curtis                W50      CHIG                         58:21 
    9 James Taylor                 M14      NOR                        1:00:15 
   10 Clive Coles                  M60      SUFFOC                     1:01:49 
   11 Jonathon Cronk               M14      WAOC                       1:03:02 
   --------------------------------- PAR TIME -------------------------------- 
   12 Hazel Bickle                 W55      WAOC                       1:07:27 
   13 Chandraker Family            M43      WAOC                       1:09:43 
   14 Charlotte Cheetham           W45      CHIG                       1:09:44 
   15 The Genie's                           NONE                       1:12:01 
   16 Janet Cronk                  W45      WAOC                       1:14:02 
   17 Sally Wilkinson              W40      SUFFOC                     1:15:03 
   18 Jenny Liston                 W21      NONE                       1:19:10 
   19 David Harland                M60      NONE                       1:32:38 
   20 Aileen Butler + Paget's      W55      SUFFOC                     1:57:29 

      Ian Kersey                            NONE                           dnf 
Green  (48)    4.800 km  45 m   14 C       

    1 Kim Eden                     W45      NOR                          41:15 
    2 Lindsey Freeman              W50      WAOC                         41:55 
    3 Martin Rigby                 M50      BAOC                         42:30 
    4 Katie Sellens                W20      SOS                          45:48 
    5 Ian Shephard                 M50      NOR                          46:18 
    6 Peter Cheetham               M45      CHIG                         47:40 
    7 Ray Curtis                   M50      CHIG                         49:14 
    8 Jon Houseago                 M45      SUFFOC                       49:57 
    9 Bob Blows                    M50      WAOC                         50:30 
   10 Jo Whitehead                 M45      WAOC                         51:59 
   11 Nicola Gill                  W21      NOR                          52:39 
   12 John Webb                    M70      SUFFOC                       54:14 
   13 John Harvey                  M65      NOR                          54:18 
   14 Eddie Banks                  M50      NONE                         56:53 
   15 Pauline Smith                W45      NOR                          56:54 
   16 Rob Farthing                 M50      SUFFOC                       58:23 
   17 Rob Coulter                  M55      SUFFOC                       59:48 
   18 Luke Minshall                M40      WAOC                         59:56 
   19 Sophie Louth                 W14      WAOC                       1:00:50 
   20 Jon Batten                   M60      WAOC                       1:01:24 
   21 Frankie Hardie               Dog3     WAOC                       1:02:00 
   22 Steve Walters                M55      NONE                       1:02:24 
   23 H Fulcher                    M35      NOR                        1:04:06 
   24 Helen Bickle                 W21      WAOC                       1:05:07 
   --------------------------------- PAR TIME -------------------------------- 
   25 Jane Howsam                  W55      WAOC                       1:05:32 
   26 K + S Fulcher                M55 + W5 NOR                        1:06:15 
   27 Bill Butcher                 M55      NOR                        1:07:32 
   28 Emma Johnson                 W20      SOS                        1:07:49 
   29 Tim Leedham                  M60      SUFFOC                     1:09:06 
   30 Sue Speller                  W45      WAOC                       1:09:26 
   31 Juri Zarins                  M55      NOR                        1:11:02 
   32 Alan Coddington              M70      NOR                        1:12:02 
   33 Maria Marshall               W50      WAOC                       1:13:13 
   34 Paul Garton                  M55      NOR                        1:13:15 
   35 Mary Batten                  W60      WAOC                       1:13:21 
   36 Barbara Fothergill           W50      HAVOC                      1:14:46 
   37 Estella Ward                 W55      NOR                        1:18:33 
   38 Freda Chan                   W35      NONE                       1:20:31 
   39 Barbara George               W70      NOR                        1:26:21 
   40 Mal Adams                    M21      NONE                       1:28:34 
   41 Georgia Salanti              W21      NONE                       1:34:36 
   42 Chris Davies                 M55      SUFFOC                     1:38:57 
   43 James Gilbert                M35      NONE                       1:40:05 
   44 Alison Stephen               W50      SUFFOC                     1:41:34 
   45 David Crerar                 M60      NONE                       1:42:21 
   46 Angie Hinshelwood            W21      WAOC                       1:59:41 
   47 Mr Koning+Mr Jacobs          M20      NOR                        2:11:58 

   nc Oliver Cooper (2nd run)      M21      SUFFOC                       39:13 
Blue  (40)     6.500 km  55 m   17 C       

    1 Mike Bickle                  M55      WAOC                         50:59 
    2 Kevin Smith                  M50      NOR                          51:24 
    3 Pat Martin                   M60      NOR                          51:55 
    4 Paul Price                   M40      NOR                          53:52 
    5 Tim Eden                     M50      NOR                          54:54 
    6 Martin Hore                  M55      SUFFOC                       55:35 
    7 Simon Peck                   M50      SUFFOC                     1:00:27 
    8 Mick Liston                  M55      NOR                        1:01:48 
    9 Noah Gins                    M21      NONE                       1:03:08 
   10 David Sanderson              M45      SOS                        1:04:42 
   11 Julia Crook                  W35      WAOC                       1:06:58 
   12 Simon Hooton                 M50      SUFFOC                     1:07:09 
   13 Paul Lowe                    M45      SUFFOC                     1:07:13 
   14 Clare Woods                  W18      WAOC                       1:07:17 
   15 Clive Wilkinson              M40      SUFFOC                     1:08:40 
   16 Peter Howsam                 M55      WAOC                       1:09:42 
   17 David Ball                   M60      NOR                        1:09:54 
   18 Stephen Baldwin              M35      SUFFOC                     1:10:23 
   19 Tomas Sherwen                M16      SUFFOC                     1:11:25 
   20 John Ward                    M60      NOR                        1:12:54 
   21 Louise Walker                W40      SUFFOC                     1:13:20 
   22 Mark Lowther                 M40      SUFFOC                     1:15:04 
   --------------------------- PAR TIME 1:16:22 ------------------------------ 
   23 Ian Lawson                   M50      WAOC                       1:16:58 
   24 Darrell Smith                M35      CHIG                       1:17:45 
   25 Tony Wiskich                 M21      NONE                       1:20:02 
   26 Les Jarrald                  M55      NOR                        1:20:41 
   27 Laurie Rudling               M55      NOR                        1:20:53 
   28 Caroline Louth               W45      WAOC                       1:21:43 
   29 Tom Collins                  M45      SOS                        1:22:35 
   30 Alun Roberts                 M45      SUFFOC                     1:24:54 
   31 Robert Mann                  M60      SOS                        1:25:12 
   32 David Cooper                 M40      WAOC                       1:27:27 
   33 John Russell                 M65      SOS                        1:29:07 
   34 Jack Isbester                M70      SOS                        1:30:54 
   35 Colin Curtis                 M70      WAOC                       1:34:15 
   36 Graham Ward                  M60      NOR                        1:37:59 
   37 Geraldine Russell            W60      SOS                        1:39:02 
   38 Colin Butler                 M55      SUFFOC                     1:49:08 
   39 June Davenport               W21      SUFFOC                     2:29:14 

      Mike Sherwen                 M50      SUFFOC                          mp 
Brown  25)    9.000 km  85 m   24 C       

    1 Rolf Crook                   M21      WAOC                         54:49 
    2 Robert Frost                 M35      NOR                          55:13 
    3 Ian Renfrew                  M35      NOR                          57:51 
    4 James Lyne                   M18      SOS      KEGS                59:59 
    5 Edward Louth                 M16      WAOC                       1:00:36 
    6 Micheal Belshaw              M40      NOR                        1:02:28 
    7 Mike Capper                  M55      WAOC                       1:07:31 
    8 Steve Hinshelwood            M40      WAOC                       1:08:05 
    9 John Liston                  M35      RAFO                       1:08:36 
   10 Peter Lake                   M40      NONE                       1:09:54 
   11 Martin Sellens               M50      SOS                        1:10:17 
   12 Mark Lyne                    M45      SOS                        1:10:24 
   13 Paul Beckett                 M45      HAVOC                      1:10:44 
   14 P. Groombridge               M40      RAFO                       1:11:20 
   15 Mike Brooke                  M55      SUFFOC                     1:17:31 
   16 Phil Brown                   M50      NOR                        1:17:53 
   17 Oliver Cooper                M21      SUFFOC                     1:19:12 
   --------------------------- PAR TIME 1:22:14 ------------------------------ 
   18 Goff Hill                    M60      SUFFOC                     1:22:18 
   19 John Fulwood                 M55      HALO                       1:22:58 
   20 Andrew Elliott               M35      SUFFOC                     1:23:45 
   21 Peter Woods                  M45      WAOC                       1:26:21 
   22 Sue Woods                    W45      WAOC                       1:38:14 
   23 Rodney Freeburn              M65      NOR                        1:50:16 
   24 Neil Carter                  M21      SUFFOC                     1:59:16 

      Graham Davenport             M35      SUFFOC                          mp 

Organiser's Comments

The organisation of this event went well until the day of the event. I was able to gain quickly the number of helpers that I required. This has been one of the few events where I have to turn down offers of help. On arriving at Knettishall, the curse of the area struck me again as I realised I had forgotten the competitors instructions and a revised entry form. I apologise to early arrivals for not providing this to you. The wonderful Suffolk helpers were able to continue set up and operate registration until I returned.

I would like to thank all the Suffolk members who helped on the day and with special mention to Paul Lowe for running the electronic side of the event and John Webb for the use of his generator.

The only item of lost property, a grey orienteering shoe, will shortly be re-united with its owner.

Andrew Elliott - SUFFOC

Planner's Comments

Route choice.  That's what it's all about.  When I was considering course guidelines, I decided that given the limitations of East Anglian terrain this had to be the key factor in the more technical courses.  Well, route choice and distances of greater than 1km between controls, that is.  Hopefully, you enjoyed the mental challenge of the course as much as the terrain.  From my vantage point at the finish it looked like you were having fun with the pits, depressions and gully area in the middle of the map.  This also gave me a view of an alternative route choice for the long leg - along the road and past the finish and/or the start - one which I hadn't envisaged. 

Thanks to the controller, Graham, for his patience and invaluable advice in helping to turn my first drafts ("a bit boring" and "a plate of spaghetti") into something which I hope was much more enjoyable.  Thanks for the feedback on the courses, it is always helpful for a novice planner, and so far, this has been very positive.  Thanks are also due to Paul Lowe, for helping me program the SI boxes, SUFFOC members for collecting controls, and to Henry and Catherine for putting the maps in the bags.

Perry Mole - SUFFOC

Controller's Comments

Congratulations to Perry for some very well planned courses which, from the comments at the finish, I know a lot of you really enjoyed. In particular I know that many of you on the Blue and Brown courses were "impressed" to discover, on turning over your maps, that Perry had managed to fit in a 1.5km long leg, with significant route choice :-) Well done Perry!

Whilst the finishing times on some of the shorter courses were rather longer than the guidelines, I think we have to put this down to the rather small entry on some courses, rather than to any problem with Perry's planning, which to my mind was exactly on target for both technical difficulty and length. I also know that some of you on the shorter courses found some of the legs technically challenging - see for example the splits for leg 3 on the Lt Green course. If you did, then it would be a good idea to sit down now with the map, and work out how you should have attacked each control: Where should your attack point have been? How should you have approached the control from there - straight in, or aiming off to the left or right? What should you have been looking out for on the way in, that would have guided you in to the control? Try to find as many different ways of attacking the control as you can, and decide which would have been the best (and remember that if you are having real difficulty finding a control in the forest then it is almost always a good idea to try a different method of attack rather
than to keep using the same one that doesn't work!).

Congratulations go also to the rest of the SUFFOC team for a smoothly run event.

I look forward to seeing you all in the forest again soon.

Graham Louth - WAOC