King's Forest - Suffolk Punch (Day1) Sat 13/02/2010 17:13
Results created by OE2003 © Stephan Krämer 2006
Organiser's Comments
Planner's Comments
Controller's Comments
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          Name                      Age   Club      Time Taken

Finlay Duncan 8 KFO 8 Morven Duncan 5 KFO 13 Roxy Anstead 3 SUFFOC 16 Lucy Warland 6 SOS 8 Ben Warland 11 SOS 6 Roxy Anstead (2nd run) 3 SUFFOC 22 Ruth Parsons 12 NOR 8 Craig Carter 4 SUFFOC 19 Ryan Carter 1 SUFFOC 18
   Pl Name                          Age            Club             Time 

Black  (9)       11.7 km  70 m   29 C    

    1 Ben Stevens                   M21            CUOC          1:06:06 
    2 Ronny Falk                    M40            WAOC          1:08:04 
    3 Mark Ford                     M35            CHIG          1:10:57 
    4 Tony Burton                   M45            MV            1:18:37 
    5 Nick Pullen                   M21            NOR           1:20:41 
    6 Glen Richardson               M21            NOR           1:20:51 
    7 Ian Hargreaves                M21            KERNO         1:22:08 
    8 Steve Hinshelwood             M45            WAOC          1:26:06 
    9 Neil Carter                   M21            SUFFOC        1:38:09 
    ------------------------- PAR TIME 1:39:09 ------------------------- 

Brown  (8)       10.2 km  45 m   26 C    

    1 Ian Renfrew                   M40            NOR           1:06:19 
    2 Duncan Harrison               M35            SOS           1:14:48 
    3 Jon Coles                     M40            SO            1:15:55 
    4 Jason Haigh                   M40            CHIG          1:16:28 
    5 Andrew Elliott                M35            SUFFOC        1:19:05 
    6 Jacob Sharpe                  M35            HH            1:24:08 
    7 John Ward                     M40            NOR           1:24:39 
    ------------------------- PAR TIME 1:39:28 ------------------------- 
    8 David Cooper                  M45            WAOC          1:45:08 

Short Brown  (20 8.0 km  40 m   23 C     

    1 Peter Haynes                  M50            SLOW            53:19 
    2 Anna Falk                     W35            WAOC            57:47 
    3 Rob Last                      M45            SYO           1:02:41 
    4 David Cronk                   M50            WAOC          1:04:00 
    5 Nigel Bateman                 M50            DEVON         1:04:21 
    6 Alan Spidy                    M45            NOR           1:04:36 
    7 Richard Tearle                M21            BAOC          1:04:47 
    8 Paul Goldsworthy              M45            NOR           1:06:08 
    9 Alan Anstead                  M45            SUFFOC        1:08:30 
   10 Peter Duthie                  M50            WAOC          1:09:25 
   11 Guy Lidbury                   M40            HAVOC         1:10:40 
   12 Paul Caban                    M45            INT           1:11:45 
   13 David Sanderson               M45            SOS           1:12:27 
   14 Helen Lloyd                   W50            NOR           1:13:21 
   15 Peter Woods                   M50            WAOC          1:16:01
   -------------------------- PAR TIME 1:19:58 -------------------------  
   16 Lenka Anstead                 W21            SUFFOC        1:22:38 
   17 Rakesh Chandraker             M45            WAOC          1:23:17 
   18 Michael Brooke                M60            IND           1:24:50 
   19 Caroline Louth                W45            WAOC          1:52:48 

      Ben Holland                   M21            WAOC              dns 

Blue  (35)       6.5 km  25 m   22 C     

    1 Axel Blomquist                M55            BAOC            43:00 
    2 Richard Bonnett               M55            SOS             51:23 
    3 Tony Feltbower                M55            OD              53:04 
    4 Tom Hemingway                 M14            WAOC            54:43 
    5 Peter Warland                 M45            SOS             54:51 
    6 Mick Liston                   M60            NOR             55:56 
    7 Martin Hore                   M60            SUFFOC          57:57 
    8 Martyn Gill                   M55            AIRE          1:00:16 
    9 Andrew Welsh                  M55            HAVOC         1:00:57 
   10 Stephen Borrill               M35            WAOC          1:01:12 
   11 Ian Shephard                  M55            NOR           1:01:29 
   12 Stephen Searle                M55            NOR           1:01:50 
   13 Frances Cooper                W45            WAOC          1:02:56 
   14 Tim Eden                      M55            MOR           1:03:17 
   15 Edwin Banks                   M55            SOS           1:04:55 
   16 Todd Cooper                   M14            WAOC          1:05:45
   ------------------------------ PAR TIME -----------------------------  
   17 Sandra Vogel                  W45            MV            1:06:22 
   18 Philip Halford                M55            SUFFOC        1:06:43 
   19 Bruce Marshall                M55            WAOC          1:08:11 
   20 Peter Waldron                 M50            NOR           1:10:10 
   21 Lisa James                    W40            SOC           1:11:05 
   22 Robin Stevens                 M45            LOG           1:11:16 
   23 Mike Bickle                   M60            WAOC          1:11:43 
   24 Philip Brown                  M55            NOR           1:12:45 
   25 Laurie Rudling                M60            NOR           1:13:40 
   26 Ian Smith                     M50            WAOC          1:14:35 
   27 Sean Blanchflower             M35            IND           1:15:45 
   28 Ian Lawson                    M55            WAOC          1:18:01 
   29 Tracey Apperley               W40            SOS           1:20:29 
   30 Paul Beecher                  M21            IND           1:25:53 
   31 Anthony Biggs                 M60            HAVOC         1:33:37 
   32 Paul Garton                   M60            NOR           1:57:14 

      Owen Warnock                  M50            NOR               dns 
      Emma Holland                  W21            WAOC              dns 
      David Downes                  M55            WCOC              dns 

Short Blue  (17) 5.3 km  25 m   16 C     

    1 John Ward                     M65            NOR             44:20 
    2 Peter Kullich                 M65            HALO            54:12 
    3 Louise Walker                 W45            SUFFOC          57:55 
    4 Kim Eden                      W50            MOR             58:25 
    5 Robin Bourne                  M45            WAOC            59:34 
    6 David Anstee                  M45            NOR           1:00:01 
    7 David Ball                    M65            NOR           1:00:04 
    8 Sarah Mansel                  W45            SUFFOC        1:01:26 
    9 Rod Mansel                    M50            SUFFOC        1:05:14 
   10 Steve Culverhouse             M45            IND           1:05:17 
   11 Karen Goldsworthy             W45            NOR           1:06:03 
   12 John Russell                  M65            SOS           1:06:06
   -------------------------- PAR TIME 1:06:30 -------------------------  
   13 Fred Ross                     M65            AIRE          1:08:12 
   14 Sue Woods                     W50            WAOC          1:08:15 
   15 Simon Peck                    M50            SUFFOC        1:10:49 
   16 Erica Pilkinton               W45            WAOC          1:13:31 
   17 Alan Bedder                   M65            NOR           1:25:39 

Green  (19)      4.8 km  30 m   16 C     

    1 Richard Barker                M55            SOS             46:39 
    2 Sue Hooper                    W55            HH              51:50 
    3 Claire Duncan                 W40            KFO             53:41 
    4 Rob Coulter                   M60            SUFFOC          55:54 
    5 David Lee                     M70            NGOC          1:00:42 
    6 Gill Ross                     W60            AIRE          1:01:31 
    7 John Webb                     M70            SUFFOC        1:05:42 
    8 Geoff Eagles                  M55            NOR           1:07:47 
    9 Jane Feltbower                W55            OD            1:09:12 
   10 Wesley Musall                 M60            SUFFOC        1:09:32
   -------------------------- PAR TIME 1:09:58 -------------------------  
   11 Rodney Freeburn               M70            NOR           1:10:45 
   12 Janet Biggs                   W55            HAVOC         1:13:05 
   13 Bill McLean                   M70            SUFFOC        1:13:06 
   14 Nancy Powell Davies           W60            SOS           1:16:52 
   15 Maria Marshall                W55            WAOC          1:20:02 
   16 Ruth Saxl                     W65            WAOC          1:30:20 
   17 Colin Butler                  M60            SUFFOC        1:41:10 

      Harry Li                      M16            NOR                mp 
      Robin Campbell                M70            CHIG              dns 

Short Green  (23 4.2 km  30 m   15 C     

    1 Kathy Haynes                  W50            SLOW            40:01 
    2 Geraldine Russell             W65            SOS             49:34 
    3 Debbie Charlton               W50            HH              49:52 
    4 Jennifer Taylor               W65            CHIG            50:42 
    5 Seonaid Dudley                W70            WAOC            51:21 
    6 Michael Dudley                M75            WAOC            52:12 
    7 Graham Ward                   M65            NOR             52:20 
    8 Sharon Warland                W45            SOS             52:23 
    9 Colin Curtis                  M75            WAOC          1:01:34 
   10 Estella Ward                  W60            NOR           1:02:32 
   11 Hazel Bickle                  W55            WAOC          1:03:12
   ------------------------------ PAR TIME -----------------------------   
   12 Jack Isbester                 M75            SOS           1:05:15
   13 Sue Vine                      W70            NOR           1:11:09 
   14 Clive Coles                   M65            SUFFOC        1:11:49 
   15 Barbara George                W75            NOR           1:12:59 
   16 Yvonne McLean                 W70            SUFFOC        1:15:07 
   17 Marion Fitt                   W60            NOR           1:16:53 
   18 June Webb                     W75            SUFFOC        1:28:59 
   19 Alan Coddington               M75            NOR           1:30:01 
   20 Pat Bedder                    W65            NOR           1:33:30 
   21 Anne Duncumb                  W75            WAOC          1:50:44 

      Chris Thorne                  M75            WAOC               mp 
      Ruby Campbell                 W70            CHIG              dns 

Light Green  (5) 3.4 km  15 m   11 C     

    1 Thomas Birkett                M14            SOS             26:38 
    2 Roderick Mansel               M14            SUFFOC          47:15
    ----------------------------- PAR TIME -----------------------------   
    3 Leanne Bailey                 W21            NOR             53:24 
    4 Jill Richardson               W50            SUFFOC        1:15:13 

      Julia Paul                    W55            NOR               dns 

Long Orange  (4) 6.3 km  35 m   10 C     

    1 Lizzie Rosewell               W21            IND           1:00:24 
    2 Christopher Bailey            M16            NOR           1:31:46
    ----------------------------- PAR TIME -----------------------------    
    3 Anthony Winter                M16            NOR           1:31:47
    4 Samantha Bailey               W16            NOR           1:33:32 

Orange  (13)     3.0 km  20 m   11 C     

    1 Devnandan Chattertee          M18            WAOC            28:14 
    2 Timothy Harrison              M12            IND             28:30 
    3 Catherine Hemingway           W12            WAOC            30:42 
    4 Lewis Cooper                  M12            WAOC            32:47 
    5 Owen Bourne                   M12            WAOC            33:38 
    6 Duncan Cooper                 M10            WAOC            34:53 
    7 Ben Warland                   M12            SOS             38:12
    -------------------------- PAR TIME 42:21 --------------------------    
    8 Lucy Carter                   W21            SUFFOC          42:55 
    9 Bronwen Mansel                W12            SUFFOC          45:24 
   10 Javier Monteru                M12            IND           1:00:54 
   11 Ruth Parsons                  W12            NOR           1:03:07 
   12 Hollie Harrington             W21            IND           1:06:51 
   13 Yan Li                        W40            IND           1:33:08 

Yellow  (3)      2.7 km  20 m   12 C     

    1 Alex Birkett                  M12            SOS             34:00 
    2 Martin Parsons                M10            NOR           1:03:35
    ----------------------------- PAR TIME -----------------------------    

      Lucy + Sharon Warland         W6             SOS                mp 

White  (2)       2.0 km  10 m   13 C     

    1 Finlay Duncan                 M10            KFO             34:01 
    2 Morven Duncan                 W10            KFO             36:04
    ----------------------------- PAR TIME -----------------------------    

Organiser's Comments

Kings Forest has such a large car park that for once this is not one of the headaches for an organiser. The speeding road leading to the car park is another matter. I was always worried that tired competitors still re-running their race and mistakes as they headed for Download might lose concentration - so thanks to the stewards who helped with safe passage.  Suffoc is a small club and with a few folk away at half-term we were always going to be stretched but the club really came through and sufficient help was on hand. I must thank Alan Bedder for his cheerful coordination of the weekend - his positive attitude always gave me great confidence - and the folk registering and starting did a sterling job. The string course did not get the entrants it deserved but it is all good practice and helps ensure the club is investing in the future - even if it might be someway off before the youngest folk are tackling Browns!. St John's Ambulance had a very peaceful time though they were called into action for a foot down a rabbit hole so they earned their keep.  Download worked well with little entrance glitches sorted smoothly and miss-punches explained. finally thanks must also go to the stalwart folk who collected controls in at the end. The weather deteriorated and meant much was done in the wet - but all finally accounted for safely. Perhaps I'll get to run in the
forest next time.

Simon Hooton - SUFFOC

Planner's Comments


Steve Bones - SUFFOC

Controller's Comments

I hope you enjoyed the courses which Steve Bones produced. King's is a typical Thetford area and he chose blocks to produce as much variety as possible for each course; in particular we were impressed by his inventive use of the series of old pens on the longer courses. Simon Hooten's team swung into action smoothly on the day, well done to all concerned.

John Collyer - SOS
