King's Forest 2013Sun 03/11/2013 17:56
Resultscreated by OE2003 © Stephan Krämer 2006
Organiser's Comments
Planner's Comments
Controller's Comments
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   Pl Name                          Age Class      Club         School                 Time 

White  (34)      1.9 km  10 m   10 C     

    1 Tommy Harrington              M12            SOS          St Andrews             8:39 
    2 Ben Bayly                     M10            SUFFOC       Barnardiston          10:57 
    3 Harrison Dixey + Oliver Princ M8             SOS          St Andrews            11:31 
    4 Jack Ecuyer                   M10            SUFFOC       Barnardiston          11:38 
   nc Sam Hague                     M12            WAOC         Perse                 12:02 
    6 Ben Clarke + George Jobe      M10            SUFFOC       Barnardiston          13:13 
    7 Ben Styman-Heighton           M10            SOS          St Andrews            13:57 
    8 Craig Carter                  M8             SUFFOC       Cliff Lane            14:04 
    9 Joshua Ingleby + Thomas Marti M9             SOS          St Andrews            14:09 
   10 Barney Steventon-Barnes       M10            SUFFOC       St Marys Woodbridg    14:11 
   11 Oliver Pringle                M10            SOS          St Andrews            14:24 
   12 Rosy Bird                     W10            SOS          St Andrews            14:28 
   13 Thomas Leader + William Press M9             SOS          St Andrews            14:31 
   14 Jessica Ward                  W7             NGOC                               14:56 
   15 Ben Partridge                 M8             SOS          St Andrews            15:00 
   16 Max Davies + Joel Hull        M10            SOS          St Andrews            15:11 
   17 Lucy Walker                   W10            SOS          St Andrews            15:24 
   18 Chloe Ecuyer + Mia Richardson W10            SUFFOC       Barnardiston          16:28 
   19 Thomas Turner                 M12            SOS          St Andrews            16:35 
   20 Alastair Brown                M10            SUFFOC       Barnardiston          18:57 
   21 Lewis Burn                    M10            SUFFOC       Barnardiston          18:58 
   22 Bradley Cattermole            M10            SOS          St Andrews            19:16 
   23 Charlie Bayly                 M10            SUFFOC       Barnardiston          19:24 
   24 Zara Cattermole+ Daisy Harrin W8             SOS          St Andrews            20:12 
   25 Hannah Wallace                W10            SOS          St Andrews            21:34 
   26 Evie Amos                     W9             SOS          St Andrews            22:10 
   27 Julie Hammond                 W45            IND                                22:45 
   28 Group of 7 + Sue Hartley      Group          SOS          St Andrews            24:12 
   29 Theo Steventon-Barnes         M7             SUFFOC       St Marys Woodbridg    24:43 
   30 Maisie Waller-Toyne           W10            SOS          Monkwick Jnr          25:02 
   31 Margretta Freeburn            W70            NOR                                26:15 
   32 Keira + Tristan Buist +1      W10            SOS          St Andrews            28:18 
   33 Jacob Fisher +2               M10            SMOC                               37:22 
   34 Isaac Rosewell +1             M2             IND                                53:22 

Yellow  (23)     2.3 km  10 m   10 C     

    1 Daniel Hague                  M10            WAOC         Morley Memorial       17:32 
    2 Macsen Tiffany                M10            AIRE                               19:00 
    3 Alexander Parker              M12            SUFFOC       Barnardiston          19:35 
    4 Tom Steed                     M12            SUFFOC       Barnardiston          20:02 
    5 Hugo Thompson                 M12            SUFFOC       Barnardiston          20:05 
    6 Lucas Wrigley-Moss            M14            SOS          Hedingham             22:29 
    7 Joshua Buist                  M11            SOS          Ramsey Academy        23:22 
    8 Rebecca Ward                  W10            NGOC                               23:30 
    9 Cerys Wrigley-Moss            W12            SOS          Hedingham             24:03 
   10 Alys Phillips                 W12            SUFFOC       Barnardiston          24:32 
   11 Katja Ruda                    W12            IND          Norwich school        24:56 
   12 Gower Family                  Group          IND                                29:03 
   13 Hope Dudley + Nicola Prevost  W12            SUFFOC       Barnardiston          29:09 
   14 Katie +Tom Martin + Josh Ingl Group          SOS                                30:15 
   15 Victoria Love                 W14            SOS          Hedingham             33:58 
   16 Alison Plested + 3            Group          IND                                34:39 
   17 Douglas Tiffany +1            M8             AIRE                               41:24 
   18 Zac Steventon-Barnes          M12            SUFFOC       Woodbridge Primary    42:35 
   19 Amelia Juniper                W12            IND          Ramsey Academy        55:06 

      Sean Dudley                   M40            IND                                   mp 
      Jack Hammond                  M10            IND          Hartismere               mp 
      Nicola + Emily Hope           W10            IND                                   mp 
   nc Barney Steventon-Barnes +3    M9             SUFFOC                             30:22 

Orange  (17)     3.1 km  20 m   10 C     

    1 Sam Hague                     M12            WAOC         Perse                 32:40 
    2 Owen Haigh                    M14            CHIG                               33:02 
    3 Christoph Ruda                M45            IND                                35:37 
    4 Howard Steed                  M50            IND                                37:38 
    5 Chloe Cracknell               W12            SOS          Hedingham             38:58 
    6 Ellie Harrison                W14            SUFFOC       Perse                 42:17 
    7 John-Henry Love               M14            SOS          Hedingham             42:47 
    8 Hannah Steventon-Barnes       W40            SUFFOC                             46:18 
    9 Georgia Gower                 W14            SOS          Ramsey Academy        56:13 
   10 James + Julie Price + David C Group          NOR                                57:22 
   11 Headingham Group              Group          SOS          Hedingham           1:02:41 
   12 Haydn Garrod                  M12            SUFFOC       Barnardiston        1:05:14 
   13 Charlotte Gilbey              W12            SUFFOC       Barnardiston        1:13:55 
   14 Chris Harvey                  W70            NOR                              1:15:39 

      Georgie Nicholls              W12            NOR                                   mp 
      Ben Hammond                   M13            IND          Hartismere               mp 
   nc Alison Plested + 3            Group          IND                              1:13:00 

Light Green  (11 3.4 km  20 m   14 C     

    1 James Nisbet                  M14            SMOC                               25:11 
    2 Callum Turner                 M14            SOS          Ramsey Academy        36:17 
    3 Dominic Vinsen                M14            NOR                                50:01 
    4 Michelle Ward                 W40            NGOC                               52:20 
    5 Oliver Hague                  M14            WAOC         Cambridge Int         56:18 
    6 Thomas Lock                   M14            SOS          Ramsey Academy        56:47 
    7 Juliette Butcher              W60            NOR                                58:20 
    8 Lauren Ramsey                 W16            IND          Farlingaye High     1:11:08 
    9 Peter Bates                   M60            IND                              1:57:06 

      Raymond Keevil                M70            IND                                   mp 
   nc Owen Haigh                    M14            CHIG                               42:40 

Short Green  (22 3.1 km  20 m   14 C     

    1 Neil Rosewell                 M35            IND                                24:24 
    2 Sue Hooton                    W45            SUFFOC                             34:31 
    3 John Harvey                   M75            NOR                                39:46 
    4 Alison Curtis                 W55            CHIG                               40:47 
    5 Noreen Ives                   W60            WAOC                               41:05 
    6 Seonaid Dudley                W70            WAOC                               44:07 
    7 Barbara George                W75            NOR                                47:33 
    8 John Webb                     M75            SUFFOC                             47:54 
    9 Colin Curtis                  M75            WAOC                               48:00 
   10 Roger Etienni                 M65            IND                                49:04 
   11 Hazel Bickle                  W60            WAOC                               50:24 
   12 Becky Hawes + Sally Wilkinson W21/W45        SUFFOC                             51:25 
   13 Anne Power                    W80            LOK                                53:44 
   14 Bill McLean                   M75            SUFFOC                             55:31 
   15 Pat + Alan Bedder             W65/M70        NOR                              1:02:47 
   16 Alan Coddington               M75            NOR                              1:05:35 
   17 Ray Horne                     M60            SUFFOC                           1:07:17 
   18 Yvonne McLean                 W70            SUFFOC                           1:07:34 
   19 Clive Coles                   M65            SUFFOC                           1:09:44 
   20 Sue Vine                      W70            NOR                              1:11:04 
   21 Beth Williams                 W40            IND                              1:24:05 
   22 June Webb                     W75            SUFFOC                           1:34:14 

Green  (52)      4.8 km  30 m   16 C     

    1 Sebastian Pugh                M21            SOS                                37:56 
    2 Bethany Albon                 W20            IND                                40:32 
    3 Alison Fox                    W45            WAOC                               43:14 
    4 Matthew Clarke                M12            SUFFOC       Barnardiston          43:42 
    5 Louise Walker                 W45            SUFFOC                             43:47 
    6 Lizzie Rosewell               W21            IND                                44:58 
    7 Daisy Partridge               W14            SOS          Hedingham             45:51 
    8 George Neville-Jones          M21            IND                                46:11 
    9 Stephen Nobbs                 M55            NOR                                46:49 
   10 Mark Nicholls                 M50            NOR                                47:25 
   11 Sam Nicholls                  M16            NOR                                48:02 
   12 Kim Eden                      W55            MOR                                49:17 
   13 Rob Kingman                   M60            NOR                                50:17 
   14 Josh Partridge                M14            SOS          Hedingham             50:53 
   15 Annika Richardson             W21            NOR                                52:05 
   16 Richard Barker                M60            SOS                                52:11 
   17 Rachael Harrison              W18            SUFFOC       Perse                 52:24 
   18 Chris Childs                  M65            SOS                                52:59 
   19 Ray Curtis                    M55            CHIG                               54:16 
   20 Helen Hague                   W40            WAOC                               54:33 
   21 Nicky Nicholls                W50            NOR                                55:32 
   22 Barry Breed                   M65            HH                                 55:42 
   23 Sarah Mansel                  W45            SUFFOC                             56:11 
   24 Bill Butcher                  M60            NOR                                57:09 
   25 Ian Smith                     M55            WAOC                               57:48 
   26 Peter Ryall                   M65            WAOC                               58:13 
   27 Sandra Fulcher                W60            NOR                                58:56 
   28 Rodney Freeburn               M75            NOR                              1:00:10 
   29 Pauline Smith                 W50            NOR                              1:01:24 
   30 Peter Cheetham                M55            HH                               1:01:45 
   31 Ros Sutton + Steve Williams   W50/M40        NOR                              1:02:23 
   32 Karen Goldsworthy             W45            NOR                              1:02:53 
   33 Charlotte Cheetham            W50            HH                               1:03:21 
   34 Dale Bennett                  M45            HAVOC                            1:04:08 
   35 Ros James                     W50            SMOC                             1:05:18 
   36 Bronwen Mansel                W16            SUFFOC       County Upper        1:05:32 
   37 John Rushmer                  M65            NOR                              1:05:39 
   38 Janis Ryall                   W60            WAOC                             1:05:50 
   39 Graham Ward                   M65            NOR                              1:05:55 
   40 Charlie Middleton             M45            IND                              1:06:14 
   41 Barbara Fothergill            W55            HAVOC                            1:08:51 
   42 Susan Waller-Toyne            W45            SOS                              1:08:58 
   43 Jane Breed                    W60            HH                               1:09:45 
   44 Peter Gay                     M70            SUFFOC                           1:15:28 
   45 Estella Ward                  W60            NOR                              1:16:12 
   46 Jordan + Airon Curl-Roper     M21/M17        IND                              1:17:47 
   47 Janet Biggs                   W60            HAVOC                            1:19:33 
   48 Diane Read                    W50            LOG                              1:21:56 
   49 Paul Garton                   M60            NOR                              1:25:53 
   50 Chris Gay                     W60            SUFFOC                           1:32:58 
   51 Margaret Moody                W45            SUFFOC                           1:34:57 
   52 Marion Fitt                   W60            NOR                              1:42:37 

Blue  (41)       7.0 km  40 m   21 C     

    1 Bryn Wilkinson                M16            SUFFOC       Coppleston high       45:53 
    2 John Ward                     M45            NOR                                50:59 
    3 Tim Harrison                  M14            SUFFOC       Perse                 51:37 
    4 Philip Halford                M55            SUFFOC                             55:54 
    5 Alan Spidy                    M45            NOR                                56:56 
    6 Will Harrison                 M50            SUFFOC                             57:52 
    7 Kevin Smith                   M55            NOR                                58:47 
    8 Ian Shephard                  M60            NOR                                58:49 
    9 Paul Price                    M50            NOR                              1:00:21 
   10 Perry Mole                    M45            SOS                              1:00:46 
   11 Michael Bickle                M65            WAOC                             1:01:09 
   12 Ian Byford                    M55            HH                               1:01:23 
   13 Peter Duthie                  M50            WAOC                             1:01:48 
   14 Mick Liston                   M60            NOR                              1:02:52 
   15 Stephen Searle                M60            NOR                              1:03:14 
   16 Toby Fisher                   M35            SMOC                             1:03:30 
   17 Roderick Mansel               M16            SUFFOC       County Upper        1:03:39 
   18 Ciraeme Tiffany               M50            AIRE                             1:03:52 
   19 Ella Gilbert                  W16            NOR                              1:04:43 
   20 Paul Goldsworthy              M45            NOR                              1:04:47 
   21 Garry Parmenter               M65            HAVOC                            1:07:28 
   22 David Vinsen                  M50            NOR                              1:08:12 
   23 Simon Hooton                  M55            SUFFOC                           1:08:33 
   24 Adam Waller-Toyne             M45            SOS                              1:09:01 
   25 Adam Leaf                     M50            HH                               1:09:52 
   26 Edwin Banks                   M60            SOS                              1:10:12 
   27 William Morgan                M60            NOR                              1:10:33 
   28 Mary Narey                    W45            IND                              1:11:00 
   29 John Ward                     M65            OD                               1:12:12 
   30 Katie Sellens                 W21            SOS                              1:12:24 
   31 Peter Walling                 M45            NOR                              1:14:34 
   32 Rod Mansel                    M50            SUFFOC                           1:14:43 
   33 Sacha Fisher                  W35            SMOC                             1:14:58 
   34 Colin Butler                  M60            SUFFOC                           1:16:31 
   35 Helen Bickle                  W21            WAOC                             1:18:31 
   36 Laurie Rudling                M60            NOR                              1:18:36 
   37 Simon Peck                    M55            SUFFOC                           1:21:29 
   38 Darren Lambert                M45            IND                              1:22:39 
   39 Paul Ellis                    M35            IND                              1:32:30 
   40 Anthony Biggs                 M60            HAVOC                            1:38:44 

      Philip Hague                  M40            WAOC                                  mp 

Brown  (23)      9.0 km  50 m   27 C     

    1 Jonathan Albon                M21            CHIG                               51:13 
    2 Peter Ward                    M40            NGOC                               56:11 
    3 Glen Richardson               M35            NOR                                57:40 
    4 Harrison McCartney            M16            OD                               1:00:26 
    5 Andrew McNally                M35            BAOC                             1:04:37 
    6 Chris McCartney               M40            OD                               1:05:34 
    7 Paul Beckett                  M50            HAVOC                            1:06:20 
    8 Neil Carter                   M35            SUFFOC                           1:10:18 
    9 Robert Frost                  M40            NOR                              1:10:39 
   10 Andrew Elliott                M40            SUFFOC                           1:12:16 
   11 Jonathan Gilbert              M50            NOR                              1:12:32 
   12 Dave Denness                  M50            LOG                              1:15:02 
   13 Goy Roper + Tracey Curl       M/W50          IND                              1:16:12 
   14 Stephen Borrill               M40            WAOC                             1:17:50 
   15 Clive Wilkinson               M50            SUFFOC                           1:18:12 
   16 Mike Capper                   M55            WAOC                             1:21:11 
   17 John Clarke                   M45            SUFFOC                           1:23:40 
   18 Ric Brackenbury               M21            SMOC                             1:25:51 
   19 Helen Lloyd                   W50            NOR                              1:31:47 
   20 Michael Chopping              M50            NOR                              1:32:32 
   21 Tracey Apperley               W45            SOS                              1:34:37 
   22 Chris Martin + W Green + M O' M21            IND                              2:10:13 

      Jeanine Banthorpe             W60            IND                                   mp 

Organiser's Comments

Thank you to all the SUFFOC helpers who with Martin Hores planning made this event such a success.  The willingness and experience of the volunteers made my life very easy.  Martins meticulous planning and information was very helpful.  I hope I did not worry him and some
members of the committee too much with my much shorter timescale before the event.
There were two items of lost property - A compass and waterbottle which was left at the start.  If these are yours please contact me at

Andrew Elliott - SUFFOC

Planner's Comments

Bringing a brand new area into play for orienteering is an interesting challenge, and more time-consuming than perhaps I anticipated when I offered to do it. It’s certainly a good job I’m now retired!

Kings Forest is never going to provide the highest quality orienteering, but I hope people felt this new sector is a worthwhile addition to the mapped terrain in the Thetford Forest area. There were many complimentary comments, for which many thanks – it certainly makes the effort feel worthwhile. I’m sure there were some people who had a less good day, but I didn’t hear from them.

Thanks to Google Earth and Atlas Freshlogic for providing the base maps (with some tweaking of course), to Phil for surveying the western sector of the map, to Bruce for being an efficient controller and offering some excellent advice on the courses and to Andrew and his team of helpers for making things run smoothly on the day.

If you get the chance, please do plot your route on Routegadget. It’s really useful for me to see which routes people favoured and how they compared with my expectations. Hopefully it will help me plan better courses next time.

Martin Hore - SUFFOC

Controller's Comments

It was a pleasure being controller for this event.  Martin's map was excellent.

The courses you enjoyed were essentially what Martin had prepared for my review.

Everything ran smoothly on the day and we managed to have all the controls in by 2:30.  Quite an achievement - so thanks for all the helpers.

Bruce Marshall - WAOC