Bridge Wood SPSS EV1

05 Jun 2022


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More off Path

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2.2km 75m

PosNameClubAge ClassTimeBehind1 1332 1413 1564 1575 1536 1527 1518 1429 14710 15011 13712 13613 13414 13515 13916 14417 132F1

Take the Path

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1.6km 40m

PosNameClubAge ClassTimeBehind1 1332 1583 1414 1575 1496 1457 1558 1389 14010 14611 13512 14813 15914 13115 132F1

What Paths?

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3km 120m

PosNameClubAge ClassTimeBehind1 1342 1563 1544 1525 1516 1557 1418 1369 13810 14711 15012 14313 13714 14015 15816 13017 14818 13919 132F1