Competitions & Awards

Club Championships

SuffOC holds the Club Championships annually at an event staged by one of our neighbouring EAOA clubs, thus giving all SuffOC members an opportunity to compete. The results are adjusted to take into account the age of each competitor and the technical difficulty of the course and the winner is presented with the Suffolk Punch Bowl. Links to the detailed listings are given on the individual "Results" pages.


 Club League

The club league, administered by our Club Captain, John Clarke, is run from January through to December each year. Click here for the 2024 event list, the age class to course mapping & the scoring system. Points will be based on the calculated pace and adjustments made for the competitor's age and the technical difficulty of the course run.

The East Anglian Championships

The annual East Anglian Orienteering Championships are held at events staged by the clubs within the EAOA Region in turn. Although no additional entry is required, competitors should enter for their correct age class for the designated event. The Championship rules can be found here.

The East Anglian League

The East Anglian League is a competition for the most consistent performers at events in the region; each of the 6 (or 7, when CUOC holds a suitable event) EAOA clubs nominates one of their scheduled events to be their "EAL event" for that year. No special registration is needed to compete in the East Anglian League: if you run a course in one of the designated events your points will be automatically calculated if you belong to an EAOA club. At the end of the year, the overall score is determined by adding up the four best scores over the year. Scores from a minimum of three events are needed to qualify for overall positions. The League rules can be found here. The League points awarded to members are also used to calculate the winner of the "East Anglian Champion Club" banner for the year.

The East Anglian Urban League

This was first set up in 2019 & includes the various urban events which are rapidly increasing in popularity in the area (as elsewhere!). The list of events, rules, age classes & previous results can be accessed from the EAUL webpage.

National Championships and Leagues

East Anglian orienteers are also eligible to compete in the Midland Championships and the overall British Championships. The latter has 4 sections, the Long, Middle, Sprint, and Night events. SuffOC also enters teams for the inter-club CompassSport competition and for various relay events, the most prestigious of which are the ones at the British Championships and the JK.

For those willing to travel further afield, the UK Orienteering League has a comprehensive range of events. Urban races also have their own UK League (with fixtures and results here) and regional schemes, such as SEOUL.

Ranking Points, Certificates & Badges

Ranking points, calculated from the results of the more technically difficult courses in events of Level C and above, are displayed on the British Orienteering website, and these can help to indicate a person's achievements and progress. The listings for SuffOC members can be seen here.

British Orienteering has two incentive schemes, the Navigation and Racing Challenges, which award certificates when "improvers" reach certain levels in colour-coded events. There is also a National Badge Scheme for more advanced orienteers. Details of the schemes can be found here.