Bury St Edmunds Moreton Hall 60 Minute Score Course

This course starts near the Moreton Hall Community Centre in Bury St Edmunds, to the E of the A14. If driving to the town you can park at the Heldhaw Road car park (3 hours free parking limit), & the marked 'Start/Finish' is on the paved area at the E side of the car park. If you live locally you may start at any of the checkpoints, whichever is most convenient, & plan your route from there. This is a timed course - you'll receive points for each control you visit, & have them deducted if you're over the time allowed!

Although it is a quiet residential area the course involves crossing Orttewell Road: caution is required unless the bridge or underpass can be used & under 16s really must be accompanied by an adult.

Start Location: 


  • Town urban

Course Type: 

  • Score course

Number of Controls: 


Time Limit: 

  • 60 mins

Course Type Rules: 

  • You may start from any control
  • You don't need to be out for the full time allocation
  • You can decide how many controls you aim to visit
  • You must return to your start control again to finish

Course Points: 

  • 20 points per control
  • 10 points deducted for each minute over the time allowed
  • If you use a different control as your Start/Finish, that control won't score you any points, but the original Start/Finish location will score instead

Please note: 

  • Use only public roads, paths and open spaces
  • Be aware of residents, walkers and cyclists
  • The course involves crossing busy roads
  • Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult
  • You're responsible for your own safety. You take part at your own risk

This course is based on the information available to the original planner. Although it is reviewed from time to time, new developments or maintenance work may affect the area and force you to reconsider your route, so please maprun [at] suffoc [dot] co [dot] uk (contact us) if you notice ongoing work which impinges on the course.

Find the course in the MapRun app: 

Date Added: 
