Brandon Short Course

This course starts from the Orchard Car Park (Pay & Display) at Brandon Country Park. The main course lies to the south of the Country Park area & allows you to choose forest tracks & paths as you plan your route to each control in turn. The Country Park itself is very popular but the course will lead you to quieter areas of the forest.

The course measures 4.0 Km from point to point, but you'll probably cover at least 5 Km on the ground, at whatever pace suits you. The navigation is fairly straightforward, but, if you're new to orienteering & a little apprehensive about 'getting lost', you'll find youself on, or crossing, various sections of the waymarked Purple & Orange routes from the Visitor Centre, & also the blue-signed Poachers' bike trail at times, so there is a safety net!! We've also left the 'Display present location' unlocked in the Options & Settings menu in MapRunF so you can pinpoint exactly where you are on the map if you need to. So - relax & enjoy the experience!

Start Location: 


  • Forest

Course Type: 

  • Linear course

Course Length: 

  • 4km

Number of Controls: 


Course Type Rules: 

  • There is no time limit
  • You must visit all the controls in the correct order to record a result
  • You must return to the start control again to finish

Please note: 

  • Use only public roads, paths and open spaces
  • Avoid paths or roads which are marked with a red X
  • Be aware of walkers and off-road cyclists
  • You're responsible for your own safety. You take part at your own risk

Find the course in the MapRun app: 

Date Added: 
