Haverhill Medium Course

This is one of three courses situated in the Haverhill. There are several long stay car parks off Ehringshausen Way - approximately 500m walk from the marked 'Start/Finish', near the bandstand in the recreation ground (CB9 8HF).

It's a linear course, so you'll need plan your route to follow the checkpoints in sequence & return to the Start/Finish checkpoint at the end.

Start Location: 


  • Town urban

Course Type: 

  • Linear course

Course Length: 

  • 4.6km

Number of Controls: 


Course Type Rules: 

  • There is no time limit
  • You must visit all the controls in the correct order to record a result
  • You must return to the start control again to finish

Please note: 

  • Use only public roads, paths and open spaces
  • Be aware of residents, walkers and cyclists
  • The course involves crossing busy roads
  • Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult
  • You're responsible for your own safety. You take part at your own risk

This course is based on the information available to the original planner. Although it is reviewed from time to time, new developments or maintenance work may affect the area and force you to reconsider your route, so please maprun [at] suffoc [dot] co [dot] uk (contact us) if you notice ongoing work which impinges on the course.

MapRun Reference: 

Find the course in the MapRun app: 

Date Added: 
